Depression is a slow poison .It cause's , effects and how to cope with it

    “Depression is a slow poison”

Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: it is easier to say “My tooth is aching” than to say ‘My heart is broken.’”

― C.S. Lewis, “The Problem of Pairs “

Depression is kind of mental disease .It is a mood disorder.

Sad girl


In 19 th century Emil karepelin who was a German psychiatrist began referring different forms of melancholia as Depressive states. Its scientific name is Dysthymia.

In developing countries like Pakistan,India etc. people often less talk about and due to lack of awareness they even did consider it a disease .It is slow poison that if not treated timely may lead to destruction of mental health and even suicide.


Following are important symptoms of depression

1-poor concentration

2-loss of appetite

3-sudden weight loss

4-loss of interest in things you once enjoyed

5-irregular sleep pattern

6-feeling of guilt or low self esteem

7-Anxiety or restlessness

8-physical aches or pain

9-suicidal thoughts

10-hopelessness about future

11-frustration over small matters

WHO Data on depression rate:

An expected 3.8% of individuals experience the ill effects of misery, including 5.7% of grown-ups beyond 60 years old and 5% of grown-ups (4% of men and 6% of ladies). Around the world, roughly 280 million individuals experience the ill effects of misery (1). Women are around half very nearly 100% than men to experience pity. Around the world, over 10% of pregnant or as of late conveyed ladies experience melancholy. In excess of 700,000 individuals end their own lives every year. Self destruction is the fourth driving reason for death among 15-to 29-year-olds. Regardless of the accessibility of known, effective medicines, more than 75% of individuals in low-and center pay nations don’t get treatment for mental issues. Horror is all over. Wretchedness influences almost 7% of grown-ups in the US yearly, as per gauges from analysts.

Causes of depression:

1- Stressful events:

Stressful events in life increases your chances of getting depression.These events include relationship breakdown,failure ,loss of job etc. lead to depression.


If you have low self-esteem due to early life experience such a bullies or due to genes chances of getting depression increase  

3-Family history:

In your family like brother ,sister ,mother or father have depression you will be more susceptible to have depression in any phase of life

4-pregnancy and give birth:

Depression during pregnancy known as antenatal depression n.During pregnancy hormones rapidly changes which lead to depression .some womes also have depression after giving birth which is know as postpartum depression.During this phase new mother’s have disruptive thought’s ,low self-esteem due to her body changes e.g. weight gain,skin problems and other issues in some cases mother’s even can harm their newly born baby.

5- Menopause:

It is condition in women when period stop.During this process hormones changes rapidly which trigger the depression. This transition begin usually at the age of 45-55 year .It lasts about seven years but can be as long as 14 years.


People who prefer to stay alone due to early life experience such as betrayal from Friends e.g. have higher chances of having depression.

7-Alchol & drugs:

People who use drugs or drink alcohol to reduces their sorrows ,failures , relationship breakdown, loss in business etc. have higher chances of getting depression.Alchol and drugs change our brain chemistry and have harmful effects on. Our body as well


Long term illness such as cancer,coronary heart disease which develop hopelessness in patients have higher risk of depression. In some cases severe head injusry also increases chances of depression


Any kind of abuse such as physical, sexual or emotional deceases self confidence, abusive person start doubting on his abilities and this lead to depression.



Daily 15-30 mint walk ,dance yoga & meditation releases dopamine hormone which is called as happy hormone .This hormone improves memory , decreased anxiety and improves mood. This is best way to cope with depression.

2-Eat healthy food:

Good eating habits improves our health. Quality food for example new vegetables and organic products are loaded with cancer prevention agents which diminishes the feeling of anxiety and furthermore stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water .Attempt to keep away from sweet food sources and juiced drinks.

3-Express yourself:

A person who is suffering from depression have low level of creativity and fun .Try to express yourself by writing down your emotions , talk to your friends, talk to yourself this will help you to mange your emotions and reduces stress level.

4-Better sleep:

During depression a person going through irregular sleep so try to get good sleep .Read book before going to bed and make your room comfy .place plants like valerian ,Areca palm in your room help you to improve sleep.


Consult with your doctor that will suggest you antidepressants which help patient to cope with depression. This will help to stabilizing ,help to lift mood ease your sadness .

6- Electroconvulsive therapy:

It is therapy which is used in severe depression treatment .In this treatment medicine is given to patients to go to sleep or painless electric current is given through scalp to brain . in this way severe depression level is treated and patient start getting back to normal healthy life .



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