Lifestyle Habits: Easy habits that can shift your current life towards a healthier one

Health is wealth, we all have been reading or listening to this phrase since our childhood. I am sure that everyone must have read it somewhere. Despite this, many people are not aware of the actual meaning of this phrase. Health is one of our most significant assets. If you are not healthy, you can not even perform your routine tasks properly. Unfortunately, many people think that living a disease-free life means that they are healthy. It is not true. 

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of any disease and infirmity"

World Health Organization

Being healthy can only be ensured by attaining a healthy lifestyle. So now here raises the question of what is a healthy lifestyle and how a person can adopt it. The answer to the first part of the question is that having a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and having good sleep hours are vital factors for being healthy. 

Here is a list of the top best healthy lifestyle habits. If you incorporate these in your life, you will surely get a good result. 

Eat Healthy

Eating healthy plays the most vital role in developing and maintaining good health. It includes taking your balanced meals in proper portions at the proper times of the day.  Now many of you will think about what is a balanced diet. A balanced diet contains all the required nutrients in the necessary amount at the proper time. It Includes fruits and vegetables in your diet, eggs,  milk and other dairy products, cereals, eat meat and fish.

Use as little oil or other fat as possible. It is the most critical factor that contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Once you incorporate these changes in your life, you will surely see a difference in your life pattern.

Drink plenty of water

We have heard this multiple times that water is essential for good health. But why is water so important? Water makes up 70% of our body weight, and it also performs many other functions in our body. For example, it prevents the body from getting dehydrated.

It not only performs metabolic functions but also plays a role in making your skin look clear and fresh. The requirement for water depends on a person’s age and weight. Taking the required amount of water is necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

You can calculate your daily water requirement by using a simple formula. 1500ml for first 20 kg of body weight + 25ml for each additional kg.

Let's take the example of a person who weighs 55 kg.

1500ml + (25ml X 35kg)

1500ml + (875ml)


To convert it into cups, divide the total amount by 250ml (as 1 cup= 250ml), you will get the answer.


Many people have this misconception about what is a workout. Workout is a period of the day in which you do physical exercises to stay fit and active. It has become a myth that only a person who wants to lose weight should do the workout. It is not true.

Workouts include all kinds of physical activities that a person does to stay physically fit. There are many options for workouts like swimming, jogging, walking, running, playing basketball or badminton, or doing high-intensity exercises in the gym.

You can choose one whichever suits you. Of course, it depends on your stamina for how much time and intense exercise you can do. But you should include at least 30 minutes of any physical activity in your daily routine, whether it be simple walking.

Benefits of workout

Some benefits of a workout are:

  • Controls weight
  • Improves mood
  • Boosts energy
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Less stress

Early to bed and early to rise

Doesn’t it sound familiar? We have been reading this since grade 1 if we have proper sleep, it will keep us active all day long. If you notice, we have been told by our parents multiple times that if we sleep earlier automatically, we will rise earlier, and as a result, we could spend the whole day more actively.

An ideal 8 hours of sleep is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people neglect this factor. They don’t believe that changing their sleep hours can make a difference to their lifestyle, but it does. When you wake up early in the morning, you will get more time for whatever work you do in your daily routine. So do give it a try; it makes a difference.

"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"

Benjamin Franklin

Read for 30 minutes

Reading books serves as fuel for the brain. As food speeds up our physical activities, reading speeds up our mental activities. It develops brain connectivity and improves our vocabulary.


It not only develops a good vocabulary but also plays a role in maintaining health. You won’t believe but spending 30 minutes reading daily reduces the symptoms of depression and maintains blood pressure. It strengthens mental muscles and stimulates memory centers of the mind which in turn enhances mental health.

Never skip breakfast

Breakfast is regarded as the most important meal of the day. It gives your day a kick start. It boosts your metabolism and keeps you energetic for the whole day. I have seen many people when they want to lose weight, the first thing that they do is skip their breakfast. Whether you are trying to lose weight or not, always take your breakfast.

Some people are too careless about breakfast, and some may say they cannot eat anything just after getting up. The solution to this problem is eating an apple or taking a glass of milk but never skip it. Suppose you don’t have breakfast one day, it will result in lowering your energy at the start of the day, and this condition will last for the whole day.

Be physically active

Being physically active is one of the main factors in obtaining a good lifestyle. Like mental activeness, physical activeness is also very important. Stay active all day. Do not be lazy to say that I will do this after some time or leave any task in between.

Once you start doing something, complete that specific task, and after that, you can always take some rest. Keep in mind that you do not have to make yourself exhausted by doing hectic tasks for the whole day. If you do this one day, you will not be able to perform your next day’s tasks efficiently. Always keep a balance between work and rest. Divide your daily routine tasks in such a manner so that you can also get some time for rest.

Think positive

Being healthy is not only confined to your physical health; in fact, your mental health also plays a crucial role in it. For example, if your mind is not relaxed and you are stressed about something, you will not do any task perfectly.

Having a positive mindset is essential. If you are stressed about something, you will find negativity in every person and everything. Remember, people do not like to stay around negative people.

For instance, if you ever find something unpleasant, deal with it with positivity. Always focus on good aspects and spread positivity. It will help you to be healthier both mentally and socially.

Avoid processed food

All prepared foods and soft drinks are hazardous to health. These foods, such as bakery items, canned foods, and soft drinks, contain a large amount of sugar and fat. It is OK to take these foods once in a while, but unlimited consumption is hazardous to health.

Taking these foods more often puts a person at high risk of developing diseases. These diseases include obesity, cardiovascular disorders, and diabetes. Therefore, we should try to limit the use of such prepared foods and create a habit of eating food at home. It also serves as an essential factor in the maintenance of good health.

Use gadgets less

Electronic gadgets, including mobile phones, televisions, and laptops, are being used very widely. Although these gadgets are made for our betterment and make our daily tasks easy, but using anything more than necessary will harm us in different ways.

I have seen many people who use mobile phones even while taking their meals. It diverts their concentration on two different sides. Too much use of these devices is also harmful to eyesight. To cope with this fastest-growing world, the use of technology is necessary, but we should try to use these devices as minimally as possible.



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